

Like any lift you either set yourself up to succeed or fail. 

With the swing though it doesn't stop there... 

Once you have the set-up you have to OWN YOUR BACKSWING. 

Having a solid back swing is not just essential for the 2HS but once you own it you will see a massive difference in your 1HS, Snatch, Clean etc

The swing is a HIP HING so that means, the HIPS are doing MOST of the work. 

What are you looking for in a good backswing?

-The bell is high. (Aim for the top of the triangle) 

-Wrists just about the level of your groin

-Arms in contact with you torso-Shine close to vertical

-Back back with tension on the hamstrings

-Neutral Spine and neck

-Aggressively thrust your hips forward to STAND UP TALL

The amount of power you drive from your hips is relevant to the size of the bell, you don't want to overshoot and end up with your hips forward of you and arch in your back, so be sure to BRACE and SQUEEZE YOUR BUTT

When taking an arm away the importance of the backswing is even more obvious especially if you're someone who likes to "PULL" the belL with their arms.

More insights on the back swing and other bell tips coming your way.

In the meantime if there is anything you want me to answer DM or comment below.

I still have 3 spots left for my 12 week on-line program starting AUGUST 3RD 2020


